
One of the main features of CalcKit is the built-in Scientific Calculator. Built on top of the extensive math.js library, it is optimized for work, school and any kind of personal calculations. You can do anything from basic to advanced calculations.

Equations in the calculator can be entered using the built-in keyboard or by clicking the equation field and typing the equation manually using your hardware/software keyboard.

Buttons & Functions

Basic Buttons

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 – Standard Numbers

. – Decimal separator

± – Negate the number, enters ×(-1)

+ - × ÷ – Basic arithmetic operations, addition / subtraction / multiplication / division

( ) – Parentheses are used to group terms, for prioritizing equations, or passing arguments to functions

, – Used to separate arguments in a function (example: min(5, 10))

= – Calculate Equation

Orange Buttons

Settings 2nd Function History C DEL

Settings – Show multiple settings for the calculator

2nd Function – Toggle the functions on the “Custom Buttons” rows

History – Show the latest 50 calculations (equation and result)

C – Clear the equation

DEL – Remove the last entered digit or function

Memory & Trigonometric Unit

DEG RAD GRAD – Change the trigonometric unit (degree/radian/gradian)

M+ – Add to Memory

M- – Subtract from Memory

MR – Memory Return (recall stored value)

MC – Memory Clear (clear stored value)

Programmer Buttons

0b 0o 0x – Binary / Octal / Hex Prefixes

A B C D E F – Hex Numbers


0b 101101 – Binary Number (decimal 45)

0o 123456 – Octal Number (decimal 42798)

0x 123ABC – Hex Number (decimal 1194684)

Conversion Examples:

0 + 0b 101101 = 45

0x 0 + 1194684 = 0x123ABC

Built-in Functions & Constants


π – Pi, mathematical constant, 3.14159…

e – Euler’s number, mathematical constant, 2.71828…

i – Imaginary number

Common Functions

xⁿ – Calculates the power of x to 2 / 3 / n, enters ^2 ^3 ^

x⁻¹ – Reciprocal Function, enters ^(-1)

³√ ⁿ√ – Square / Cube / nth root (example: √(16) 3√(27) 5√(32))

x! – Factorial

10ⁿ – Power of 10, enters 10^

eⁿe raised to the power of n, enters e^

mod – Calculates the modulus, the remainder of an integer division

Arithmetic Functions

abs - Calculate the absolute value of a number

ceil - Round a value towards plus infinity

fix - Round a value towards zero

floor - Round a value towards minus infinity

gcd - Calculate the greatest common divisor for two or more values or arrays

hypot - Calculate the hypotenusa of a list with values

lcm - Calculate the least common multiple for two or more values or arrays

ln - Natural logarithm (base e)

log - Common logarithm (base 10)

round - Round a value towards the nearest integer.

sign - Compute the sign of a value.

Trigonometric Functions

sin cos tan csc sec cot
Trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent)

sin⁻¹ cos⁻¹ tan⁻¹ csc⁻¹ sec⁻¹ cot⁻¹
Inverse trigonometric functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, arccosecant, arcsecant, arccotangent)

Hyperbolic Functions

sinh cosh tanh csch sech coth
Hyperbolic functions (sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent)

sinh⁻¹ cosh⁻¹ tanh⁻¹ csch⁻¹ sech⁻¹ coth⁻¹
Inverse hyperbolic functions (sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent)

Complex Functions

arg - Compute the argument of a complex value

conj - Compute the complex conjugate of a complex value

im - Get the imaginary part of a complex number

re - Get the real part of a complex number

Edit Buttons

CalcKit’s Scientific Calculator gives you the possibility to customize the two top rows (portrait) or left rows (landscape).

By clicking the button and then clicking Edit Buttons you will access the menu below, where you are able to change each button and it’s 2nd function.

Edit Buttons

1. Select the button that you want to edit

2. Select between Built-in and Custom button type

3. If you select Built-in you will see a drop-down list with pre-defined functions/constants that you can choose from.

4. If you select Custom you will see two input fields Name = Equation where you can enter your custom function or constant.

Here are some examples for Custom buttons:


Name = Value

pi = 3.1415926535

phi = 1.6180339887

e = 2.7182818284


Name = Formula

pow(x, y) = x ^ y

Fg(m) = m * 9.80665

log3(x) = log(x) / log(3)

After you finish editing the button, just click APPLY and the configuration will be saved right away.